
How Aarki Collects and Uses Personal Data

Q: Is Aarki a Data Controller, and how does Aarki request consent from end users to collect and utilize their Personal Data? 

Aarki is only a Data Controller for users of Aarki’s websites and services. For more information about what data are collected, you may view our 隐私政策.

As part of Aarki’s services we run advertising campaigns on behalf of our customers.  We may use the personal data of end users to target and optimize these campaigns. As Aarki does not own, operate, or have any SDK presence on any mobile application or site in which we run advertising, any personal data we receive for use in targeting or optimization is done so via our customers or partners, such as advertising exchanges, and attribution analytics providers.

We require our customers and partners to ensure they are obtaining consent for the use and sharing of such personal data with Aarki. As such, we also maintain DPA (Data Processing Agreements) with our customers and partners.

Q: What user data does Aarki receive from our customers and partners? (i.e. from advertising exchanges and attribution providers)

Aarki may receive the following:
- Device Advertising ID
- IP address
- Country, city, region, lat long
- Device model and operating system information
We treat device advertising ID and IP address as personal data.

Q: For what purpose does Aarki use the personal data received from customers and partners?
- We use these data to optimize our customers' campaigns to drive better performance.
- We may also use these data to target specific users of our customer’s products and services.
- We may also use these data to verify campaign metrics with our customers and partners events tracked by their attribution provider.

Aarki Compliance

Q: Will Aarki be compliant with GDPR?

Aarki will be compliant with GDPR.

Q: Do you a have process in place to respond to an end user’s requests to restrict the use of their personal data, delete personal data, or request stored personal data by Aarki?

Yes, Aarki has a process in place to respond to such requests.

Q: Do you have a process in place to respond to customer requests to restrict the use of their user’s personal data, or delete their user’s personal data shared with Aarki?

Yes, Aarki has a process in place to respond to such requests.

Q: Does Aarki have a process in place to secure user personal data?
